
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles


  • McDaniel, B. T., Pater, J., Cornet, V. P., Mughal, S., Reining, L., Schaller, A., Radesky, J., & Drouin, M. (2024). Parents’ desire to change phone use: Associations with objective smartphone use and feelings about problematic use and distraction. Computers in Human Behavior, 148, 107907. doi:
  • McDaniel, B. T., Uva, S., Pater, J., Cornet, V. P., Drouin, M., & Radesky, J. (2024). Daily smartphone use predicts parent depressive symptoms, but parents' perceptions of responsiveness to their child moderate this effect. Frontiers in developmental psychology, 2, 1421717. doi:
  • McDaniel, B. T., Radesky, J., Pater, J., Galovan, A. E., Harrison, A., Cornet, V. P., Reining, L., Schaller, A., & Drouin, M. (2024). Heavy Users, Mobile Gamers, and Social Networkers: Patterns of Objective Smartphone Use in Parents of Infants and Associations With Parent Depression, Sleep, Parenting, and Problematic Phone Use. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3601969, . doi:


  • McDaniel, B. T., Cornet, V. P., Carroll, J., Chrones, L., Chudzik, J., Cochran, J., Lawrence, D. F., McCue, M., Sarkey, S., Lorenz, B., & Fawver, J. (2023). Real-world clinical outcomes and treatment patterns in patients with MDD treated with vortioxetine: a retrospective study. BMC Psychiatry, 23, 938. doi:


  • Daley, C. N., Cornet, V. P., Toscos, T., Bolchini, D. P., Mirro, M. J., & Holden, R. J. (2022). Naturalistic Decision Making in Everyday Self-care Among Older Adults With Heart Failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 37(2), 167-176. doi:


  • McDaniel, B. T., Adams, E. L., Hohman, E. E., Cornet, V. P., Reining, L., & Kaiser, Z. (2021). Maternal nighttime phone use and impacts on daily happiness and exhaustion. Acta Paediatrica, 111(3), 584. doi:


  • Holden, R. J., Valdez, R. S., & Cornet, V. P. (2020). Patient ergonomics: 10-year mapping review of patient-centered human factors. Applied Ergonomics, 82, 102972. doi:
  • Cornet, V. P., Toscos, T., Bolchini, D. P., Ghahari, R. R., Ahmed, R., Daley, C. N., Mirro, M. J., & Holden, R. J. (2020). Untold stories in user-centered design of mobile health: practical challenges and strategies learned from the design and evaluation of an app for older adults with heart failure. Applied Ergonomics, 8(7), e17703. doi:
  • Holden, R. J., Daley, C. N., Mickelson, R. S., Bolchini, D. P., Toscos, T., Cornet, V. P., Miller, A., & Mirro, M. J. (2020). Patient decision-making personas: An application of a patient-centered cognitive task analysis (P-CTA). Applied Ergonomics, 87, 103107. doi:



  • Srinivas, P., Cornet, V. P., & Holden, R. J. (2017). Human factors analysis, design, and evaluation of Engage, a consumer health IT application for geriatric heart failure self-care. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 33(4), 298-312. doi:

Refereed Conference Proceedings Articles


  • Gabet, C., Massing, E., & Cornet, V. P. (2024). Robotics Technology Deployment in Healthcare Environments: A Health System’s Perspective. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, 13(1), 113-113. doi:
  • Lin, H., Tan, Y. R., Pruitt, S., Daley, C. N., & Cornet, V. P. (2024). User-centered Design of Applications Embedded in Electronic Health Records: Case Study of a Visualization Application for Heart Failure. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, 13(1), 43-48. doi:
  • Tan, Y. R., Lin, H., Pfafman, R., & Cornet, V. P. (2024). Usability and Acceptance of Check-In Kiosks: An Illustration of Nimble Evaluation Methods and Recommendations for Health Kiosk Deployments. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 0, . doi:


  • Toscos, T., Cornet, V. P., Charles, M., Cumbee, E., Gabet, C., Massing, E., & Stienecker, MD, R. S. (2023). COVID-19 vaccination clinic success: An interdisciplinary application of simulation and modeling. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, 11(1), 92-94. doi:
  • Cornet, V. P., Charles, M., & Toscos, T. (2023). Simulation Modeling for Health Care Operations: User-centered Design Needed!. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1), 1373-1379. doi:
  • Cornet, V. P., Charles, M., & Toscos, T. (2023). Demonstration of a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Simulation and Use in Other Settings. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1), 585-588. doi:
  • McCollom, J. W., Coupe, A., Cornet, V. P., Tan, Y. R., Lin, H., Flanagan, M., & Daley, C. N. (2023). PRO-SHOUT: Patient reported outcome supportive health in oncology utilizing technology.. JCO Oncology Practice, 19(11 suppl), . doi:


  • Pater, J., Phelan, C., Cornet, V. P., Ahmed, R., Colletta, S., Hess, E., Kerrigan, C., & Toscos, T. (2021). User-Centered Design of a Mobile App to Support Peer Recovery in a Clinical Setting. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW1), 1-31. doi:


  • Daley, C. N., Cornet, V. P., Patekar, G., Kosarabe, S., Bolchini, D. P., Toscos, T., Mirro, M. J., Wagner, S., Martin, E., Ghahari, R. R., Ahmed, R., Miller, A., & Holden, R. J. (2019). Uncertainty Management Among Older Adults with Heart Failure: Responses to Receiving Implanted Device Data using a Fictitious Scenario Interview Method. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, 8(1), 127-130. doi:
  • Cornet, V. P., Daley, C. N., Bolchini, D. P., Toscos, T., Mirro, M. J., & Holden, R. J. (2019). Patient-centered design grounded in user and clinical realities: towards valid digital health. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, 8(1), 100-104. doi:
  • Cornet, V. P. (2019). Analysis of Korean Self-harm Posts on Instagram. Proceedings of HCI Korea 2019, 1(1), 583-586.


  • Cornet, V. P., & Hong, M. (2018). Computational Exploration of Gerontology-related Topics Shared on Social Media Platform Twitter. Innovation in Aging, 2(suppl_1), 911-911. doi:


  • Cornet, V. P., Daley, C. N., Srinivas, P., & Holden, R. J. (2017). User-Centered Evaluations with Older Adults: Testing the Usability of a Mobile Health System for Heart Failure Self-Management. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), 6-10. doi:
  • Cornet, V. P., Hall, N. K., Cafaro, F., & Brady, E. (2017). How Image-Based Social Media Websites Support Social Movements. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1(1), 2473-2479. doi:

Book Chapters